sábado, 28 de junho de 2014

Autonomic Networking Principles and Adaptation as Principles for a new Internet

Caros alunos, pesquisadores e professores,

É com prazer com convidamos vocês para a palestra "Autonomic Networking Principles and Adaptation as Principles for a new Internet" a ser ministrada no dia 07/julho às 10h no auditório do CEAMAZON pelo Prof. Dr. Andreas Mauthe da Universidade de Lancaster - UK.
Esta palestra conta com o apoio do GERCOM.
Abstract: Autonomic networking principles  aim to provide flexible, dynamic, and fully autonomous formation of network nodes as well as whole networks. One key objective is dynamic adaptation and re-organisation of the network according to the working, economical and social needs of the users. There has been an emphasis on the mobile context where new resources become available dynamically, administrative domains change frequently, and the economic models may vary. The presentation will introduced the different autonomic networking concepts and will then focus on details about Functional Composition and Monitoring. This research has been carried out in the EU funded Autonomic Networking Architecture (ANA) project. Related to this is more recent work on a better support and provisioning of communication through transitions within the communication stack. Here the idea is that changes in the  communication environment can be accommodated through adapting the mechanism and protocols used at the different communication levels. For instance, in a scenario where spectators in a stadium are largely interested in the same content it could be useful to adapt the transmission of information t rather than sticking with a pure one-to-one communication mode that might overload the physical infrastructure or the server. This work is being carried out of a Project called MAKI (Multi-Mechanism Adaptation for the Future Internet) - http://www.maki.tu-darmstadt.de/sfb_maki/index.en.jsp. This is a large nationally funded research centre at the TU- Darmstadt in Germany.

Bio: Dr Andreas Mauthe is Reader in Networked Systems at the School of Computing and Communications (SCC), Lancaster University, UK. Further, he is TUD Research Fellow at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. His research focus is in two  areas within the networking and systems domain, i.e. Network and Networked Systems Management, and Multimedia Systems. In the former the main aspects of his research are resilience mechanisms for a better threat detection and protection of networks and distributed systems (such as Cloud environments), and Autonomic Network Management. In the area of Multimedia Systems his current research focus is on Quality of Experience (QoE) and the Delivery and Content Centric Networking. He has (co-)authored more than 80 peer-reviewed papers published in international journals, conferences and workshops. He is also author of a textbook on Professional Content Management Systems. Andreas worked in industry for more than four years in various management and research positions where amongst others he was heading a development team of 28 software engineers, and was also responsible for product development and UK market strategies. He is associated editor of the Multimedia-Systems Journal, has been member of more than 50 programme committees of renowned international workshops and conferences, and has been serving as programme and general chair of a number of significant events (e.g. the SIGCOMM FhMN workshop). Further, Andreas has been reviewer and expert advisor on various national and international research programmes for the European Commission, and different funding bodies, research councils and government agencies.

sexta-feira, 27 de junho de 2014

Finalização do Módulo de Infra Estrutura de Redes

Agradecemos a presença de parceiros DSBC Treinamentos e Plant Engenharia, sob a responsabilidade de Flávio Cohen e Júlio Grandi respectivamente  que proporcionaram sem dúvida um ganho de conhecimento teórico e prático para os nossos alunos, isto sem contar com com os cursos oficiais e provas de certificação que foram desenvolvido nesse módulo.

terça-feira, 24 de junho de 2014


A comunicação informatizada tornou-se crucial para troca de informações entre as instituições, não podendo deixar margens para possibilidade de queda de conexão, uma vez que vários serviços ficam prejudicados, e as vezes até paralisados, quando a comunicação é perdida, gerando ônus para as instituições. Este trabalho visa elaborar e implementar uma solução ideal para a problemática da cidade fictícia chamada Terra Brasilis, na qual passa por transtornos com troca de informações devido a queda de conexão gerada por uma topologia de redes sem redundância, tornando mais eficiente o cenário da cidade e melhorando seu gerenciamento e comunicação em relação as suas secretarias. Para essa solução de infraestrutura foi implementado redundância de links utilizando o protocolo VRRP através de equipamentos Mikrotik e Ubiquit, possibilitando melhorias e instabilidade na rede. Os testes realizados comprovam que a solução é válida e eficiente para a problemática apresentada, pois mesmo ocorrendo queda de conexão com a internet ou quebra de comunicação direta entre as secretarias, a comunicação fica estável, disponibilizando a conexão entre as mesmas.

